Writing at Riverside
We believe that all children should be taught the skills to be a confident, imaginative and accurate writer. Writing is taught in a carefully and logically planned manner, enabling children to acquire and develop progressive skills through regular practise.
The writing outcomes for each year group reflect our wider curriculum, with every opportunity taken to make links within and across subjects. Our children are taught how to write a range of text types and emphasis is placed on writing for purpose, from pretend shopping lists in Nursery to discussions about whether SATs should be abolished in Y6.
Daily writing sessions focus on essential skills and children are given the chance to practise these and apply them in context. High quality model texts provide children with the opportunity to evaluate the structure and language used in a range of text types; these are then adapted and applied in writing outcomes that reflect our curriculum. Planning and drafting of writing is taught explicitly and the children have time to edit and improve extended pieces of writing before publishing them.
We celebrate writing by awarding a 'Writer of the Month' award and published pieces of work are displayed in school. Current writing is displayed outside each class to further celebrate and promote writing.
Pupils will leave for the next stage in their education as confident writers, having been introduced to influential experiences and texts about people and places, which motivate them to live their lives to the full.