Reading at Riverside
We believe that it is vital that all children become fluent readers and writers. This is why we teach reading through Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised, which is a systematic and synthetic phonics programme. We start teaching phonics in Nursery/Reception and follow the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised progression, which ensures children build on their growing knowledge of the alphabetic code, mastering phonics to read and spell as they move through school. We have a strong focus on language development for our children because we know that speaking and listening are essential skills for reading and writing in all subjects.
At Riverside Academy, reading is at the heart of our curriculum. We place enormous value on teaching children how to read and engage with a wide range of texts, with links to our curriculum throughout each year group’s LTP. Aspects of the curriculum which have been taught previously are revisited in subsequent year groups to enable the children to know more and remember more. (EG The Great Wall of China revisited in Y6 from Y4 and ‘skeletons’ being revisited in Y5 from Y3 science curriculum).
Well-chosen, high-quality stories are vital in encouraging a love of reading- we have selected a variety of story types (legends, modern classics, mystery stories, classics) in order to give our children the best possible chance of finding and connecting with a story which resonates with them and makes them want to read more.
To reflect the cultural diversity in our school, we have planned in opportunities for pupils to read stories from different countries, faiths and origins (EG The Amber Queen- a Polish traditional story in Y3 and The Bear Fooled by the Fox- a Romanian traditional story in Y4).
Different genres of texts are covered throughout each year group so that the children are exposed to a full range of styles of writing, giving those who prefer non-fiction the chance to find their reading passion. Importance is placed on explanations, instructions, discussions and non-chronological reports, biographies, letters and playscripts through carefully selected text choices which link to the wider curriculum.
Each comprehension session begins with the children decoding and reading aloud to themselves, followed by ‘echo reading’ where they are given the opportunity to develop their prosody. Then the lesson will focus on a chosen skill, with the learning intention being progressively mapped out by Fisher Family Trust; this ‘decoding-prosody-comprehension' model mirrors the Little Wandle approach to Early Reading in Reception and Y1.
Every class has a dedicated area for reading for pleasure, with time set aside daily to 'read for fun'. To give our children the opportunity to share a wide range of texts, each class has a class author- a range of books written by these authors is available in each reading area. Teachers read aloud to the class each day, using carefully selected, age appropriate texts that the children can read along with in their own copy.
All classes have the opportunity to spend time in our school library, where they can explore a wide range of fiction and non-fiction books. Every child has the opportunity to take home a book of their choice.
We celebrate a love of reading by awarding a 'Reader of the Month' to a child from each year group. The children choose a book as a prize and this is displayed in school and shared on our newsletters.