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Chair of Governors: Mr Paul Gamble


Type of Governor

Links and areas of specialism

Start of Term

End of Term

 Paul Gamble   



Website Compliance

 Health and Safety

3-9-18 3-9-20
Paul Wilkinson Vice-Chair, REAch2 Appointed



7-11-18 6-11-22
Rebecca Payne Headteacher   Ex-Officio  
Jacky Plumb Parent

Lunchtime Provision 

16-1-17 15-1-21
Laura Davies Staff - Teacher

Staff CPD

Innovative curriculum

Greater depth

19-11-19 18-11-23
Stevie-Jayne Farrell REAch2 Appointed

EYFS (Early Years)

 Extra Curricular Activities

14-1-17 13-1-21
Jane Bell REAch2 Appointed


SEND and Inclusion

2-1-16 1-1-20
Marie Chambers Co-Opted

Pupil Premium



6-2-17 5-2-21


Appointments and Committee Membership
Pay Committee

Paul Wilkinson

Jane Bell

Hearing Panels

Jane Bell

Paul Gamble

Paul Wilkinson

Patch Representatives

Rebecca Payne

Forum Representatives

Paul Gamble

Paul Wilkinson

I have had a close association with Riverside Academy since I became Vicar of Newbold-on-Avon in 1990 and I am very keen to support the Academy in whatever way I can. I hope that my many years living in this community and my regular contact with a wide cross-section of its residents enables me to make a positive contribution to the leadership of the Academy through its Governing Body.

Stevie Farrell

I am a mum of 2 from the local area. I first joined the governing body as a Parent governor in 2012.

I work as a teaching assistant at a local primary school working with children with special educational needs. However my background hasn’t always been education and in fact I previously worked in the financial sector.

I believe that I am able to draw on my experiences as a mother and my every day working life to help support the school and help improve the education of our children. This is why I applied to renew my post on the governing body in 2017 after being involved in so many changes over the years. I am passionate about the school and the local area in which our children are being raised and look forward to playing my part over the coming years.

Jacky Plumb

I have been associated with Newbold my whole life through parents and grandparents, I now live and work in the area and currently have one child at Riverside and the other due to start in 2018. I used to work with children from nursery age up to aged 11yrs and thoroughly enjoyed helping to make a difference to their education experiences. I am currently a carer for vulnerable adults.

I joined as a parent governor so that I could become more involved in an already successfully running school and to help me understand more about how I can help with its continuing success. I hope that my years working within various education and care environments will enable me to make a positive contribution to the governing body for the continued success of the school.

Paul Gamble 

Born in the village, whose family have been associated with the village for over 200 years. I have a deep interest in science and engineering, serving as a Naval Engineer Officer, and currently working in the scientific field. As governor I have take in interest in Greater Depth since my child is fortunate enough to have been part of that programme in KS1. Using my background I hope to enhance the academy, giving assistance in any way I am able. I volunteered to be a governor to give back to the school and community what it has given me and my family over many years we have been associated with the village. My aim is to help make this school an excellent school for the whole community, an asset for our children to thrive and become the very best they can be.

Marie Chambers 

My reason for becoming a Governor was to give me the opportunity to positively influence the standard of education and opportunities available to the children of Riverside Academy, now and in the future, my son is a pupil of Riverside Academy, so this is especially important to me.  Other than my most important job of being a mum, I am a full-time Project Manager in Logistics.  Because of my professional role and experience, I bring a broad and strong skillset to the Local Governing Board, such as time management & effective organisation & planning, prioritising, diplomacy and conflict resolution. I am confident in speaking in more formal settings, or communicating with large groups. I have a commercial awareness, so I am able to interpret and discuss budgetary & financial issues too, all of which I hope to draw on to benefit the school.

Laura Davies

In September 2012, I joined Riverside Academy as the Year 2 teacher. My teaching role in school has enabled me to have a strong understanding of the National Curriculum requirements as well as the end points for learners across all subjects and year groups. A memorable and engaging curriculum is something I have always been passionate about and during my employment at Riverside Academy I have been fortunate enough to have had an involement in the design of our bespoke curriculum. I am the 11B411 ambassador for Riverside Academy and lead a trust-wide enrichment programme that aims to offer all pupils 11 amazing experiences before they leave primary school.
I became a teaching govenor as I wanted to work as part of the Governing body to provide exceptional learning opportunities for all our children. Included in my role as teaching governor is the monitoring of staff CPD. As a teacher, I am able to see the impact on our staff and learners from the different CPD that has taken place.
In September 2018, I joined the Senior Leadership Team as Curriculum Lead. My passion for providing an exceptional curriculum, which raises aspirations and broadens knowledge, continues and I look forward to the next stage in our journey.

Minutes from meetings are available on request.