11 Before 11
11 Before 11 is 11 promises that we, and all our REAch2 schools, are making to our children. If your child has been with us since nursery, they will experience these 11 promises by the time they leave us in Year 6.
Each year group will achieve one or more promises each year with each promise bringing an enriching and inspirational experience. Each one of the promises is designed to take our children beyond the usual school experiences whilst providing the children with lifelong memories that promote our school values of resilience, excellence and friendship.
Our aim is to prepare our children so that when they leave us they will be able to engage fully with the challenges of secondary school life. This includes the next stage of their school curriculum but also their ability to be independent, confident and ambitious individuals.
All of the promises support the development of our children which are outlined in the DFE document ‘Promoting fundamental British Values’:
- Development of self-knowledge, self-esteem and self-confidence
- Understanding of positive contribution to the lives of those living and working in our local area and more widely
- Showing respect and tolerance of others
The 11 promises are as follows:
- 10 good deeds in 10 days
- Make or break a Reach2 record
- Flashmob!
- Seeds to supper
- Create something amazing
- Messing about on the water
- Sleep under the stars
- Wildlife warriors
- Culture Vulture
- Ride a large animal
- Perfect a Pitch
10 good deeds in 10 days
Thinking behind the promise:
This promise supports children in putting citizenship into practise, through engaging directly with their local community and beyond. They discover how they can make a positive impact through thoughtful planning, effective communication and action, they become agents of change through acts of giving and service. They dare to be different with a focus on responsibility and service.
Make or break a REAch2 record
Thinking behind the promise:
Do something different, somewhere different.” REAch2 are compiling their own ‘Guinness Book of Records’. ‘The REAch2 Book of Records’ showcases the amazing individuals, and groups of children who attend our schools. Those who explore mind-blowing feats and record-breaking wonders. It is a fun and engaging opportunity to work with charities and the local community.
Thinking behind the promise:
A flashmob develops courage, through performing in front of a crowd in a familiar setting: a flashmob allows children to feel nervous and overcome the nerves together in a fun and memorable community event.
Seeds to supper
Thinking behind the promise:
This promise enables children to connect with the importance of food in their lives: they grow their own crops from seed, learning how to care for food, and the nutritional value of the food, then they harvest their crops and use the produce to cook meals for their family, so learning how meals can bring people together.
Create something amazing
Thinking behind the promise:
This promise gives our children the opportunity to design and create a large sculpture; something that will last a long time and possibly identify any budding sculptors among us. This creates an artistic legacy in the school for years to come.
Messing about on the water
Thinking behind the promise:
This adventure is an introduction to the thrill and enjoyment of water sports, allowing children to test their courage on the water, and to work in teams. We hope it can be a gateway for a lifelong love of water sports, and help to identify talents to nurture.
Sleep under the stars
Thinking behind the promise:
In this promise children experience the thrill of sleeping away from home, under the night stars with their friends. This adventure can fill children with the wonder of our universe, and who knows – could lead to a lifetime’s passion for astronomy.
Wildlife Warriors
Thinking behind the promise:
This promise is about creating a clear message to look after our planet than there is now and this can start in our own playgrounds, field and gardens. Conservation for all living things is something that children should learn from a young age. Instilling a sense of responsibility for all the creatures that we share this planet with can start with the simplest of tasks locally but come with the huge rewards of encouraging a strong sense of self-awareness and reflection.
Culture Vulture
Thinking behind the promise:
Within our communities, there is so much talent that we can go seek out and find. Every city, town and village will have unique, cultural experiences at their fingertips- if we only reach out and explore. This is precisely what the Culture Vulture promise is for.
Ride a large animal
Thinking behind the promise:
Sitting up high and riding a horse, is an exhilarating experience for young children. In riding at such a height, and interacting with large animals, they overcome initial trepidation, so learning to conquer fears. The adventure also involves learning about how to care for horses.
Perfect a Pitch
Thinking behind the promise:
This promise giving children the opportunity to build entrepreneurial skills from a young age is of huge importance. Learning about what goes into creating a product from concept to costings to promotion and delivery are invaluable and give children a chance to develop life skills in preparation for adulthood. 'Perfect a Pitch' is a chance to make real life purposeful curriculum links with Maths, writing and design and technology and gives children a platform to learn about profit, loss, marketing, packaging and promotion.
For our 11B411 year group plan, please see the attached document.