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News from Reception

Reception have been busy learning about mini-beasts.

This term we have been exploring and learning about mini beasts. We have been writing mini stories based around Eric Carle stories, such as The Very Busy Spider and The Hungry Caterpillar.

We have got live locust, crickets and meal-worms in our classroom and found out some fascinating facts. Did you know that crickets have their ears on their knees? We have learnt that tadpoles, caterpillars, mealworms, ladybirds and flies all go through metamorphosis. This means they transform from one form to another. We can't wait for our caterpillars to turn into butterflies and our tadpoles to turn into frogs.

We made a pond for our tadpoles and they are now growing legs.



We have been learning about mini beasts and their habitats. We explored the school garden and found some very interesting creepy crawlies. We took photographs to make our own non-fiction book and have been exploring non fiction text to find out more facts.

Look at what we found!



We have been learning how to make our own habitats and have learnt the importance of handling living things with care and respect.

Other News

Over the Spring and Summer term we have been growing plants and vegetables in our garden. John the gardener has taught us many new things and we are learning to look after the plants, and have been watching them grow and change.


We are all practising a wide range of races in preparation for sports day. We are looking forward to our families coming and supporting us on the 5th July 2013. We have had a very busy and exciting year in Reception and have learnt many new skills. We are looking forward to continuing our learning journey into Year 1, and are now preparing for the transition.