REAch Teach primary teacher training partnership
Join the REAch Teach primary teacher training partnership.
Join the REAch Teach primary teacher training partnership.
Riverside Academy celebrate reading during World Book Day.
Riverside's children, parents and carers to vote on how they would like our outdoor area improved.
Riverside Academy have received a platinum award for Rugby In Bloom 2022.
On Wednesday 12th October, Riverside Academy took part in an 11 Before 11 promise.
Year 1 have cooked harvest soup this week using vegetables from our allotment.
Year 3 have attended the Harris Schools Partnership tag rugby festival.
We are all deeply saddened by the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Our thoughts and condolences are with the Royal Family as we join those around the world in mourning our much-loved Queen.
Rest in peace, Your Majesty.
Updates we have made in light of COVID-19 can be found in the 'letters to parents' section on our website.
Year 3 went to London's West End to watch Matilda at the theatre.
Year 6 visit Coventry Cathedral to find out more about how World War Two impacted on our local area.